Human-Dog Teams in AAI
Tabara de pregatire din Polonia
(scroll down for english)
Fiind cel mai important moment din pregatirea echipelor noastre, tabara din Polonia ne-a oferit oportunitatea de a deveni o versiune mai buna a noastra.
Antrenamentul intensiv, pregatirea atat teoretica, cat si practica, testele, evaluarile, intalnirea cu alti traineri si alte echipe din Europa – toate acestea au adus o explozie de energie, o noua viziune si o imbunatatire considerabila a felului in care vedem cum decurg lucrurile in alte tari si care este nivelul cerut de catre organizatiile afiliate IAHAIO.
Echipele noastre formate din Carla Alina Buleanu, Mara Vasilescu si Horia Mitocaru au lucrat sub atenta supraveghere si indrumare a trainerilor specializati in Interventiile Asistate de Animale: Magda Nawarecka – Piatek si Mari-Louise Asp. 4 ore de antrenament zilnic in care s-a cautat imbunatatirea tehnicilor aplicate si a metodele de lucru abordate plus inca 3 ore zilnice de parte teoretica, au condus catre o mai buna coordonare in fiecare echipa om-caine, catre o mai buna intelegere a nevoilor companionilor nostri si catre o mai buna performanta. Colegii nostri se vor intoarce mai bine pregatiti decat au plecat si cu experienta importanta in domeniul Interactiunii om-animal.
Tabara nu s-a incheiat inca. Desigur, a venit la pachet cu un carusel de emotii, cu consum emotional, fizic, psihic si material. Colegii nostri au taiat concediul de pe lista si au alocat acestui program 18 zile, cu drum cu tot, insa cu totii se vor intoarce de acolo mai bogati in cunostinte, mai bogati in relatia cu cainele si mai bogati in prieteni.
Va multumim tuturor pentru sustinere si va promitem ca mereu vom incerca sa fim mai buni decat am fost ieri!
Multumim tuturor echipelor, trainerilor, cateilor si asociatiilor implicate!
Poland Training Camp The most important step in our team’s training, the camp in Poland gave us the opportunity to become a better version of ourselves. The intensive training, both theoretical and practical, tests, evaluations, meeting other trainers and teams from Europe – all of these have brought an amazing energy, a new vision and a considerable improvement on our view on how things are done in other countries and on the level requested by organisations affiliated with IAHAIO.
Our teams, represented by handlers Carla Alina Buleanu, Mara Vasilescu and Horia Mitocanu, were supervised and guided by trainers specialized in Animal assisted interventions, Magda Nawarencka – Piatek and Mari-Louise Asp. 4 hours of daily training working on improving the technique and working methods, in addition to 3 hours of theoretical notions led to a better coordination in the dog – handler teams, to a better understanding of the needs of our companions and to improved overall performance. Our colleagues will come back having more knowledge and with a valuable experience in human-animal interaction.
The camp is not over yet. Of course, it came with a storm of emotions, with emotional, physical, psychic and material impact. Our colleagues gave up their vacations and chose to participate in this 18-days program, travel time included. They will return from it with a wider knowledge base, with a better view on the relationship with dogs and richer in terms of friends. We thank you all for supporting us and we promise that we’ll always try to improve ourselves.